lakota sioux language translation

Dakota language), and is considered by most linguists one of the three major varieties of the Sioux language. Lakȟól’iyapi Hoȟpí - Lakota Language Nest 5 Topics 25 Posts Last post by Mac56 December 15th, 2015, 11:49 pm; Who is online. Sioux. - mnee, Airplane / KIYEKIYAPI/ kee - yea - kee - yah - pee, Alarm / WACIHAHELA/ wah - chee - hah - Hay - lah, Alcohol / MNIWAKASKA/ mnee - wah - kahn - shkah, All of a sudden/WATUKTEHAL/wah-due-kday-hahnl, All over(every direction)/AYABEYA TOKIYOTATA/ah-yah-bay-yah Red Cloud Indian School G skue-yea-lah, Rooster / KOKOYAHALA/ koh - koh - yah - ghahn - lah, Roping (horse) / IWAKOYOGYE / ee - wah - koh - yohg - advisors, leaders, to … K In Siouan (the Lakota language) the word is "HAU." Lakota and Dakota Sioux are two dialects of a Siouan language, related to other languages like Crow and Assiniboine. ee, Wolf/SUMANITU TAKA/shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah, Woodpecker (redheaded) / WAGNUKA / wah - gnuh - kah, Woodpecker / CAKATOTOLA/ chahn - kah - doh - doh - lah, Yankton Sioux / IHAKTUWA / ee - hah - kdue - wah, Young animal / CICALA / chee - chah - lah, Young girl / WICICALA / wee - chee - chah - lah, Young man / KOSKALAKA / koh - shkah - lah - kah, Young woman / WIKOSKALAKA / wee - koh - shkah - lah - English-Sioux Dictionary for Beginners" Lakota (also Lakhota, Teton, Teton Sioux) is a Siouan language spoken by the Lakota people of the Sioux tribes.Though generally taught and considered by speakers as a separate language, Lakota is mutually intelligible with the other two languages (cf. respect. Translation Services USA offers professional translation services for English to Sioux and Sioux to English language pairs. The Sioux language was first put into written form by missionaries around 1840 and has since evolved to reflect contemporary needs and usage. - dahn - kah, Swallow (cliff) / HUPUCASAKALA / hue - pue - chahn - yah, Prepare / YUWINYEYA/ yue - wee - yea - yah, Preserves / WASKUYECA/ wah - skue - yea - chah, President/TUNKASILAYA PI/duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee, Pride / AHOICIPE/ ah - hoh - ee - chee - Pay, Priest/WICASA WAKAN/wee-chah-shah wah-kahn, Properly / HECETUYA/ Hay - chay - duh - yah, Proposition(a fair)/WO IWAYAKE/woh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, Pueblo tribe/IGUGA OTI/ee-ghue-ghah oh-dee, Pump(tire)/HU IPAT IZE/hue-ee-pahd ee-zay, Pump (water)/MNI IPATAZA/mnee ee-pah-dah-zah, Punish / IYOPEKIYA/ ee - yoh - Pay - kee - yah, Pushed up against a surface/PA AKAL/pah ah-kahnl, Pushy (person) / WAWOKIPAPAKA / wah - woh - kee - pah - V yah - pee, Instrument / WAYAJOPI/ wah - yah - zjoh - pee, Interpret / YUIYESKA/ yue - ee - yea - shkah, Idle/TAKUNI ECO SNI/dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee, Ignore(to)/EL ETUWA SNI/ayl ay-duen-wahn shnee, Immature/WAKAYEJA PI/wah-kah-yea-zjah pee, Immediately / WACAGNIS/ wahn - chahg - neesh, Impossible/ECON PICA SNI/ay-chohn pee-chah shnee, Indeed- thank you/ICUWISKAYAS/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, Intestines / IYUHITA/ ee - yue - hee - dah, It would be better if/IYES WASTE TKHA/ee-yeash D A kah, Goodness / WICOWASTE/ wee - choh - wah - shday, Gospel/WOTANI WASTE/woh-dah-nee-wah-shday, Government / TUNKASILAYAPI/ duen - kah - shee - lah - What is the American Indian translation of bear? - yah, Cookie/AGUYAPI SKUYELA/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah, Cooperatively(to live)/WAWICIYA O UYA/wah-wee-chee-yah Some Common Lakota Words and Terms From Lakota Belief and Ritual by James R. Walker And Reading and Writing the Lakota Language by Albert White Hat Sr. Wakpekute Shooters in the leaves or forest people. Dakota Sioux Language" shnee, Valley / MNIKAOSKOKPA/ mnee - kah - oh - shkoh - kpah, Various / ICITOTOKCA/ ee - chee - doh - doh - kchah, Vengeance / WATOKICO/ wah - doh - kee - chohn, Vessel / MNIOGNAKE/ mnee - oh - gnah - kay, Vest / OGLECIYUKSA/ oh - glay - chee - yue - ksah, Vice-president/ITACA IYOKIHE/ee-dahn-chahn Wamaka nagi Animal spirit. zjue, Minute/OWAPE CIKALA/oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah, Miracle/WICOHA WASTE/wee-choh-hahn wah-shday, Mirror / MIOGLASI/ mee - oh - glah - shee, Mischief/OSTE STEYA SKA/oh-shday shday-yah shkahn, Mission school/SAPAON OWA YAWA/sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah, Missouri river/MNI SO SE WAKPA/mnee shoh shay wah-kpah, Mixed Together / ICICAHIYA / ee - chee - chah - hee - No matter what your Sioux translation needs are, Translation Services USA can provide for them. We can professionally translate any Sioux website, no matter if it is a static HTML website or an advanced Java/PHP/Perl driven website. kah, Yourself / NIYECIKA/ nee - yea - chee - kah, Zone / MAKOECAGE/ mah - koh - ay - chah - ghay. Dictionaries. Sioux is predominantly associated with the Teton Sioux bands living west of the Missouri River. hahn, From Somewhere / TOKALTAHA / doh - kahnl - dahn - hahn, From this amount/LECEGLA CAS U/lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen, From within / MAHETAHA / mah - Hay - dahn - hahn, From without / TAKATAHA / dahn - kah - dahn - hahn, Fruit / WASKUYECA/ wah - shkue - yea - chah, Frying PAN / WICEUPE / wee - chay - uen - pay, Fulfill / IYOPTEYA/ ee - yoh - pday - yah, Future(sometime in the)/WATOHAL/wah-doh-hahnl, Gallop/IKATO NAU KE/ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay, Gallop/ICATO NAU KE/ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay, Gas station/WIGLI OINAZI/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, Gazelle / NIGESALA/ nee - gay - sahn - lah, General(military)/AKICITA ITACA/ah-kee-chee-dah ya-hee chah, Tobacco(chewing)/CALI YATAPI/cahn-lee yah-dah-pee, Today (earlier) / APEHA / ah - pay - hahn, Today(later on)/EKTAWAPAYA/ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah, Toilet(outdoor)/O IHEYE TIPI/oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee, Tomatoes / OJIJITKA/ ohn - zjee - zjee - dkah, Tools / WIKICAYA/ wee - kee - chahn - yahn, Torture/TEHIYA KUWAPI/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, Toward some place/TOKETKIYA/doh-kay-dkee-yah, Toward the future/TOKATAKIYA/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, Toward the south/ITOKAGATAKIYA/ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah, Trade(mutual concession)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue hahn, Instruct(to)/WAHOKONKI YE/wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea, Instruction / WAHOKOKIYAPI/ wah - hoh - kohn - kee - - chay - lah, Secretary / WOWAPIKAGE/ woh - wah - pee - kah - ghay, Security guards / AKICITA / ah - kee - chee - dah, Self Control / OICONICA / oh - eech - oh - nee - chah, Separate / YUKIUKA/ yue - kee - nue - kahn, Serpent/ZUZUCA TANKA/zjue-zjue-chah dahn-kah, Settlements(where they live)/O UYAPI/oh uen-yahn-pee, Seventeen/WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee, Seventy/WIKCEMNA SAKOWI/wee-kchay-mnah-shah-koh-wee, Sew machine / MOSICAYEGE / moh - see - chah - yea - Sioux language itself contains two major regional varieties, which is spoken by the following bands: Northern Lakota and Southern Lakota. I would love to learn sioux. A child watches a Color Guard Veteran’s Pow Wow at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. ee-dahn-chahn, Generation/WICO ICAGE/wee-choh ee-chah-gh-hay, Generous/TAWACI WASTE/dah-wah-chee wah-shday, Gently and quietly/AHWAYELA/ah-ghwah-yea-lah, Get Ready/ IGLUWIYEYA/ ee - Glue - wee - yea - yah, Give up hope(to)/WACIYEYE/wah-chee-yea-yea, Glad/WIYUSKI IYOKIPI/wee-yue-shkee ee-yoh-kee-pee, Gladly/CATE WASTE YA/chahn-day wah-shday yah, Gland (throat) / TAWAPSUKAHA / dah - wah - pshuen - kah Ee yo monk pee. kayl, Wolf howl/SUGMANITU HOTA I/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah νικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 a student of the language with an interest in using what see - Say, breastplate / HUHUWANAPI/ HUH - hue - wah - nah - pee, Breathe one 's last/EHAKEKE NIYA/ay-hah-kay-ka -nee-yahn, Breechcloth / CHEGNAKE/ chay - ghnah - kay, Broadcast/WICAHA KAHWOGYAPI/wee-cha-hah (If you fall into this category, check out our Free Website Translation Services for more details!). R While generally taught and considered by speakers as a seperate language, Sioux is mutually understandable with the other two languages, and is considered by most linguists one of the three major varieties of the Sioux language. dah-woh-yue-day, Level(carpenters)/MNI IYUTE/mnee ee-yue-day, Lie(deceive)/WOWICAKE SNI/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, Lighter (progressively) / SAMKAZAZA / sahm - kah - Add to cart Quick view. We invite you to learn basic phrases and words of the Lakota language with our students. uen, Training (horse) / KAOSPE / kah - ohn - spay, Translate/MAZASKA AWANYANKE/mah-zah-skah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, Treasure / YUIYESKA/ yue - ee - yea - skah, Tributary / IYOHLOKE/ ee - yoh - ghloh - kay, Truly / AWECAKEYA/ ah - way - chah - kay - yah, Turkey (Wild) / WAGLEKSU / wah - glay - kshuen, Turnip (Wild) / TIPSILA / dee - psee - lah, Twelve/WIKCEMNA AKENUPA/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-nue-pah, Twenty five/WIKCEMNA NUMSOM ZAPTA/week-chay-mnah yea, Suddenly / UGNAHELA/ uen - gnah - Hay - lah, Sundance(site of the)/OIWAWAYAGWACI/oh-ee-wah-wahn-yahng-wah-chee, Sundance / WIWAYAKWACIPI/ wee - wahn - yahnk - wah - 8000-9000 speakers living mostly in northern plains states of North and South Dakota. We also translate Sioux to and from any other world language. ; Online Dakota Dictionary Very nice searchable Dakota database from the University of Minnesota. zjah - Blue, Soap / HAIPAJAJA/ hah - ee - pahzj - ah - zjah, Society/OKOLA KICIYE/oh-koh-lah kee-chee-yea, Sock (Stocking) / HUYAKU / huen - yah - kuen, Soda(soft drink)/KAPOPAPI/kah-poh-pah-pee, Someone poor(in a sad way)/IYOTIYEKIYA/ee-yoh-dee-yea-kee-yah, Somewhere / TOKIYATA/ doh - kee - yah - dahn, Sorrow/CATE SICAPI/chahn-day shee-chah-pee, South / ITOKAGATA/ ee - doh - kah - ghah - dahn, Spade / MAKIWASPE/ mah - kee - wah - shpay, Sparrow / IHUHAOTILA/ eegh - uegh - ah - oh - dee - lah, Specific information/TAKU U HCA KI HE/dah-kue uhn Wanagi That is the spirit nagi that was once in a man. yea, Supply(be in short)/A OKPANI/ah oh-kpah-nee, Surely / HECETUHCE/ Hay - chay - due - gh - chay, Surrender / ICICUPI/ ee - chee - chue - pee, Survey/MAKA IYUTAPI/mah-kah ee-yue-dah-pee, Suspend/EKA YUSLOHA/ay-kahn yue-sloh-hahn, Suspenders/CESKI YUTA/chay-shkee yue-dahn, Sutures / NATOKIIYAKE/ nah - doh - kee - ee - yahn - $19.95. Whether your Sioux translation need is small or large, Translation Services USA is always there to assist you with your translation needs. wah-nah-p ee, Handkerchief/PAHLI IPAKI TE/pah-ghlee ee-pah-kee day, Hang back(to)/LAZATA OPIC IYA/lah-zah-dah oh-peech ee-yah, Hangover / IWAYAZO/ ee - wah - yah - zohn, Happiness/WOCANTE WASTE/woh-chahn-day wah-shday, Happy(to make)/IYOKIPIYA/ee-yoh-kee-pee-yah, Harass/CATE IHOGYE/chahn-day ee-hohn-g-yea, Having do this/HECU PI S E/hay-chuen pee s ay, Hay/PEJI NAKSIYA PI/pay-zjee nah-kshee-yah pee, Head (curly) / NATAGUGU / nah - dahn - gue - gue, Head (Square) / NATABLECA / nah - dahn - blay - chah, Head covered / PAMAHEL / pah - mah - hayl, Hearabout / LECIYOTA/ lay - chee - yoh - dahn, Heifer / PTEMAKICIMA/ pday - mah - kee - chee - mah, Help each other(to)/OKICIYA/oh-kee-chee-yah, Her Lover / TAWICASA / dah - wee - chah - shah, Holy Bible/WOWAPI WAKA/woh-wah-pee wah-kahn, Holy Spirit/WONIYA WAKA/woh-nee-yah wah-kahn, Holy communion/YUTAPI WAKA/yue-dah-pee wah-kahn, Home (at) / TIYATANI / dee - yah - dah - nee, Homeward / TIYATAKIYA/ dee - yah - dah - kee - yah, Honor(an)/WOYU ONIHAYA/woh-yue oh-nee-hahn-yahn, Horned headgear/PTEHE WAPAHA/pday-hay wah-pah-hah, Hornet / WICAYAPAZIPA/ wee - chahn - yah - pah - zjee - dah, Delirium / WOWACIGNUNI/ woh - wah - chee - gnue - nee, Deluge / KAOKICUYA/ kah - oh - keech - uh - yah, Dentist / WICAHIKAGE/ wee - chah - hee - kah - gay, Depart / GLUSNIYAYA/ Glue - shnee - yahn - yahn, Descend / APAMAGLE/ ah - pah - mah - glay, Design / WOGLIGLEYE/ woh - glee - glay - yea, Desolate / WOSAKAYAKEL/ woh - sahn - kah - yah - kayl, Despair / CATIHAGICIYA/ chahn - dee - hahn - gee - chee choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee, Sans Arc lakhota/ITAZIPKO/ee-dah-zeeb-koh, Santee Lakhota / ISAYETI / ee - sahn - yea - dee, Saturday/OWAKA YUJAJAPI/oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee, Saw(to use with hand)/CANIWAKSE/chah-nee-wah-kshee, Scaffold (burial) / WICAGNAKAPI / wee - chahg - nah - chee - pee, Dance (Rabbit) / MASTICAWACIPI / mah - shdee - chah - 2. chee - yea, Femur Head / CETUTOSTA / chay - duen - doh - shdahn, Femur / CECAHOHU/ chay - chah - hoh - hue, Few (very) / HUHSNAHA / huen - gh - shnah - hahn, Fieldglasses/MOS IWAYAKE/mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, Fifteen/WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, Fifty/WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, Fig tree/TAMNIOHPI CA/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, Fill self/WIPI IC IYA/wee-pee eech ee-yah, Finch / WABLITAHEYA/ wahn - blee - dah - hay - yah, Firefly / UZEBLIKBLIK/ uen - zay - bleek - bleek, Firstly / TOKAHEYA/ doh - kah - hay - yah, Flathead tribe/NATA BLECA/nah-dah blay-chah, Fly (Insect) / TEHMUGA / Day - ghmue - gh - ah, Flycatcher/ZITKAZILA CIKALA/zee-dkah-zee-lah lah, Named that(to be)/HECIYA PI/hay-chee-yah pee, Narrow / OCIKAYELA/ oh - chee - kahy - ea - lah, Nasal cavity / PAHLATE / pah - ghlah - Day, Navajo tribe/SINAGLEGA KAGA/see-nah-glay-ghah kah-ghah, Neck muscle / TISKAKA / dee - shkahn - kahn, Neckerchief / MNIHUHAWANAPI/ mnee - ghue - hah - wah - ay-yah-yah, Encourage/IYOPA STAKE/ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay, Energetic (to become)/BLIHIC IYE/blee-hee-ch ee-yea, Equally/AKI LECEL YA/ah-kee lay-chayl yah, Eternal/OIHAKE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel, Evade / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - PA - shee - yah - yah, Everybody/TANIYOHI LA/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, Everywhere / AYABEYA/ ah - yah - bay - yah, Evidently/TOKE YELAKA/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, Exactly in the same manner/IYECEHCI/ee-yea-chay-ghchee, Example / LECETUSYE/ lay - chay - due - shyea, Exchange(trade)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, Expensive / OTEHIKA/ oh - Day - ghee - kah, Explain/ABLES WICAYE/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea, Extraordinarily/WAKA YAKEL/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, Extremely / IYUGEYA/ ee - yue - gh - hay - yah, Eyelashes / ISTIMAHAPI/ ee - shdee - mah - hahn - pee, Fact(that is the)/HE HECETU/hay hay-chay-due, Fact(an accepted)/WOABLEZE/woh-ah-blay-zay, Faithful/WACIYE PICA/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, Falsehood/WOWICAKE SNI/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, Fasten / IPASISYE/ ee - pah - shee - shyea, Fasting/AKI HA ICIYAPI/ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee, Father(I have for)/ATEWAYA/ah-day-wah-yah, Father(his/her)/ATKUKU KI/ah-dkue-kue kee, Feed(to)/WAKALYAPI K U/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, Fellowship (a) / OKOLAKICIYE / oh - koh - lah - kee -

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