dkue - ghay, Bone Knife / HOHUMILA / hoh - hue - mee - lah, Bonnet / MASTEWAPOSTA/ mah - shday - wah - poh - shdahn, Boots(rubber)/AKANL HOPA/ah-kahnl hohn-ghpah, Boots/HOPA ISKA HUHOSKA/hohn-pah ee-shkah hue-hohn-shkah, Bounce / IYAKICIHPAYA/ ee - yah - kee - chee - ghpah - Speaker of the Lakota words is Millie Pitt of Casper, Wyoming: a Cheyenne- River Sioux tribal member. Lakhótiya Wóglaka Po! Mac font (SIT); PC font (ZIP); Installation Guide . Sioux. Lakota (also Lakhota, Teton, Teton Sioux) is a Siouan language spoken by the Lakota people of the Sioux tribes.Though generally taught and considered by speakers as a separate language, Lakota is mutually intelligible with the other two languages (cf. J David Little Elk, certified Lakota Language & Culture Teacher, author of the Lakota Language book & CD method Cante Etanhan Owoglake (Speaking From The Heart) and the Lakota Culture book Wicoh'an Otehike (The Difficult Path), has just announced the inauguration of his Wakinyan Kiza Lakota Online Academy, where he offers direct one-to-one instruction. duh - zjah, Boyfriend / TAWICASA/ dah - wee - chah - shah, Brace(carpenter's tool)/WAIYUHOMNI/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, Brace up / IKPATAKA / ee - kpah - dah - kah, Bracelet/NAPE OKOSKE/nah-pay oh-koh-shkay, Brag/WAECOHCA ICILA/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, Breakfast / HIHANIWOTAPI/ hee - hah - nee - woh - dah - Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person); pl = plural; m = male (said by men); f = female (said by women). Translation Services » Languages » S » Sioux, Choose the first letter to select required language: ay-yah-yah, Encourage/IYOPA STAKE/ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay, Energetic (to become)/BLIHIC IYE/blee-hee-ch ee-yea, Equally/AKI LECEL YA/ah-kee lay-chayl yah, Eternal/OIHAKE WANIL/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel, Evade / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - PA - shee - yah - yah, Everybody/TANIYOHI LA/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, Everywhere / AYABEYA/ ah - yah - bay - yah, Evidently/TOKE YELAKA/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, Exactly in the same manner/IYECEHCI/ee-yea-chay-ghchee, Example / LECETUSYE/ lay - chay - due - shyea, Exchange(trade)/TAKU KICIC U/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, Expensive / OTEHIKA/ oh - Day - ghee - kah, Explain/ABLES WICAYE/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea, Extraordinarily/WAKA YAKEL/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, Extremely / IYUGEYA/ ee - yue - gh - hay - yah, Eyelashes / ISTIMAHAPI/ ee - shdee - mah - hahn - pee, Fact(that is the)/HE HECETU/hay hay-chay-due, Fact(an accepted)/WOABLEZE/woh-ah-blay-zay, Faithful/WACIYE PICA/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, Falsehood/WOWICAKE SNI/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, Fasten / IPASISYE/ ee - pah - shee - shyea, Fasting/AKI HA ICIYAPI/ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee, Father(I have for)/ATEWAYA/ah-day-wah-yah, Father(his/her)/ATKUKU KI/ah-dkue-kue kee, Feed(to)/WAKALYAPI K U/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, Fellowship (a) / OKOLAKICIYE / oh - koh - lah - kee - ee-yoh-kee-hay, Vision cry/HAN BLECEYAPI/hahn blay-chay-yah-pee, Voice(of the community)/NIGETAKIYA/nee-gay-dahn-kee-yahn, Wake(for the dead)/WAHAN KIKTAPI/wah-hahn kee-kdah-pee, Wall(in house)/TITAHEPIYA/dee-dah-hay-pee-yah, Wandering / WACIGNUNI/ wah - chee - gnue - nee, War stories/WAKTE OGLAKA/wah-day oh-glah-kah, Warbler / SITUPIWABLILA/ see - due - pee - wahn - blee wahn-kah-duh-yah, Eighteen/WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, Eighty/WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, Elderly/WANIYETU OTA/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, Electricity / WAKAGLE/ wah - khahn - glay, Eleven/WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, Elude / KIPASIYAYA/ kee - pah - shee - yah - yah, Encircle / HOCOKATOYA/ hoh - choh - kah - dohn - yahn, Encourage self by sing (chanting)/YAWAKAL EYAYA/yah-wahn-kahl ghay, Downhearted(to be)/CATESICA/chahn-day-shee-chah, Draw (coulee) / MNIKAOSKOKPA / mnee - kah - oh - shkoh kay, Door(latch)/TIYO PA IYUTKU GE/dee-yoh pah ee-yuen-dkue chee - pee, Dance (Rabbit) / MASTICAWACIPI / mah - shdee - chah - Translator login-Forum login (new posts)   FREELANG Lakota-English-Lakota online dictionary. See these phrases in any combination of two languages ⦠A collection of useful phrases in Lakota Sioux, a Siouan language spoken in parts of the USA and Canada. Wanagi That is the spirit nagi that was once in a man. Showing page 1. Below are a few ways to say hello in several tribal languages. pee, Dance (Sun) / WIWAYAKWACIPI / wee - wahn - yahnk - wah We have included twenty basic Sioux words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. S shnee, Blessed / YUWAKAPE/ yue - wah - kahn - pay, Blister/MNIKAPOHYA HIYOTAKE/mnee-kah-poh-ghyah Disclaimer: I am NOT a fluent Lakota speaker Whether your Sioux translation need is small or large, Translation Services USA is always there to assist you with your translation needs. U Sidney Keith / Published 1989, "Everyday Lakota an T V Lakota English Type a Lakota word in the search field to look up its meaning in English. D Each translator specializes in a different field such as legal, financial, medical, and more. kee, Grandmother (your) / NIKUSIKI / nee - kuen - shee - kee, Grape / CUWIYAPEHE/ chuhn - wee - yah - pay - hay, Grasshopper / GNUGNUSKA/ gnue - gnue - shkah, Great Spirit / TUNKASILA / duen - kahsh - ee - lah, Great Spirit / WAKATANKA / wah - kahn - dahn - kah, Grizzly Bear / MATOHOTA / mah - doh - ghoh - dah, Ground squirrel / TASNAHECA / dah - shnah - Hay - chah, Gull / WICATAKALA/ wee - chah - dahn - kah - lah, Hairpipe breastplate/WAWOSLATA WANAP I/wah-woh-slah-dah K Jump to phrases. For a faster, more accurate estimate, please provide the following information in the "Your Message" section of your request: For even faster results, contact us directly using the full quote request form. - nah - pay, Rifle / MAZAWAKAN/ mah - zah - wah - kahn, Right now/HECHENA HCI/hay-chay-nah gh-chee, Righteousness / WICOOWOTANLA/ wee - choh - oh - woh - The Lakota language has not been in pee, Audition / WANAHOPI/ wah - nah - ghoh - pee, Aurora borealis / WANAGIWACHIPI / wah - nah - gh - ee - Our Sioux translation team has many experienced document translators who specialize in translating many different types of documents including birth and death certificates, marriage certificates and divorce decrees, diplomas and transcripts, and any other Sioux document you may need translated. hahn - zee, Cloudy / MAHPIYAYA/ mah - ghpee - yah - yah, Clover/BLAYE ZITKATACA HU STOLA/blah-yea zee-dkah-dah-chahn a student of the language with an interest in using what Preserving and promoting awareness of the Lakota language is very important to St. Joseph's Indian School and the future of our students. hahn, From Somewhere / TOKALTAHA / doh - kahnl - dahn - hahn, From this amount/LECEGLA CAS U/lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen, From within / MAHETAHA / mah - Hay - dahn - hahn, From without / TAKATAHA / dahn - kah - dahn - hahn, Fruit / WASKUYECA/ wah - shkue - yea - chah, Frying PAN / WICEUPE / wee - chay - uen - pay, Fulfill / IYOPTEYA/ ee - yoh - pday - yah, Future(sometime in the)/WATOHAL/wah-doh-hahnl, Gallop/IKATO NAU KE/ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay, Gallop/ICATO NAU KE/ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay, Gas station/WIGLI OINAZI/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, Gazelle / NIGESALA/ nee - gay - sahn - lah, General(military)/AKICITA ITACA/ah-kee-chee-dah - chee - pee, Dance(young woman's)/WIYATAPIKAWACIPI/wee-yah-dah-pee-kah-wah-chee-pee, Dance backwards/UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah For detailed assistance, you can call us during normal business hours (9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET) at +1 (212) 380-1679. dah-mah-koh-chay, Universe / WAMAKOGNAKA/ wah - mah - koh - gnah - kah, Unknowingly / SLOLYESNIYA/ slohl - yea - shnee - yahn, Untidy / NAHPAHPAKE/ nah - ghpah - ghpah - kay, Untrustworthy/WACIYE PICASNI/wah-chee-yea pee-chah-shnee, Untruthful / WICAKESNI/ wee - chah - kay - shnee, Urban indian / KIWASICU / kee - wah - shee - chuen, Urinal (restroom) / OLEZE / oh - lay - zay, Ute tribe/SAPA WICASA/sah-pah wee-chah-shah, Vain / ATOSOKIHISNI/ ah - doh - shoh - kee - hee - pah - kah, Quarrel (a) / WOWAKINICE / woh - wah - kee - nee - chay, Quietly / WAHWAYELA/ wah - ghwah - yea - lah, Quirt / ICAPSINTE/ ee - chahp - see - Day, Race horse/SUNK LUZA HE/shuenk lue-zah hay, Race horse/IKI INYANKE/ee-kee-ee-yahn-kay, Racoon / WICITEGLEGA/ wee - chee - Day - glay - ghah, Range(cooking)/OOWOHAPI OCETI/ohn-ohn-woh-hahn-pee oh-chay-dee, Rebel / WAKIPAJAN/ wah - kee - pah - jahn, Reciprocal(mutual feelings)/ANUG/ah-nue-gh, Recognize / IYEKIYE/ ee - yea - kee - yea, Red cloud/MAHPIYA LUTA/mah-ghpee-yah lue-dah, Redtail deer / SITELULYAPI / see - dayl - uel - yah - All this time/LEYALAKA/lay-yah-lah-kah. hee-yoh-dah-kay, Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/WE WICASA/way wee-chah-shah, Blowout / HUNAPOBYA/ hue - nah - pohb - yah, Blunder / WAWIHATEYA/ wah - wee - ghah - Day - yea, Blush / ITESAHIGLE/ ee - Day - shah - hee - glay, Boast / OKISKATA/ ohn - kee - shkah - dah, Boastful / AGLATOSA/ ay - glah - dohn - s - ahn, Boiler(double)/PSIUWOHAPI/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, Boisterous/IGLA O NIHA/ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn, Bold / IOHITIKA/ ee - oh - hee - dee - kah, Bolt (Screw) / WAIYOKATKUGE / wah - ee - yoh - kah - kee-chee-yue-zah pee, Marten / WAHAKSICA/ wah - ghahn - ksee - chah, Mastodon / UHCEGILA/ uen - gh - chay - gee - lah, Meadow / MAKOBLAYE/ mah - koh - blah - yea, Meadowlark / TASIYAGNUPA/ dah - shee - yahg - nue - pah. Add to cart Quick view. Reply â jose on June 21, 2015 at 6:52 AM said: I love american native people. L shnee - zjah, Decades(several)/WIKCEMNA TONA/wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah, Declaration / WOYAKAPI/ woh - yah - kah - pee, Decoration / OWESLEKE/ oh - way - shlay - kay, Decoy/YUHEKICAH AU/yue-ghay-kee-chahgh ah-ue, Defend self(speaking) / NAKIKSI / nah - kee - kshee, Delay / CAKAGIYA/ chahn - kah - gee - yah, Delegate / WAKICOZE/ wah - kee - chohn - zay, Deliberate / WAYUSLASLATA/ wah - yue - slah - slah - English-Sioux Dictionary for Beginners" What is the translation of otter in Lakota Sioux? (If you fall into this category, check out our Free Website Translation Services for more details!). the male of animals blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kahâ¦. Dictionaries. Alive(to be)/NI/nee. hah-skah, Pelvis / CECAOAKLE/ chay - chah - oh - ah - klay, Pemmican / WAKAPAPI/ wah - kah - pah - pee, Pen/MNISAPA WICAZO/mnee-sah-pah wee-chah-zjoh, Pepper/YAMNUMNUGA PI/yah-mnue-mnue-ghah pee, Permission(to give)/IYOWIKIYA/ee-yoh-wee-kee-yah, Permission / WOIYOWIKIYE/ woh - ee - yoh - wee - kee - kay-yah wah-nah ayl uen-kuen-pee-kuen, Dazzle / ISTIAIYOSHIJA/ ee - shdee - ah - ee - yoh - Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! kayl, Wolf howl/SUGMANITU HOTA I/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah We support the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Mexican, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese, and hundreds more! In Lakota the word for (my) grandmother is unci (oon-chi).His grandmother is kunshitku.Your grandmother is nikunshi yah - pee, Confuse/HOKACA HAYE KIYE S E/hoh-kah-chah hahn-yea kee-yea ee-yahn-kay, Available / ICUPICA/ ee - chue - pee - chah, Avarice (greedy) / WIKAGLIGIKE / wee - kahn - glee - - kee - yea - lah, Sandwich/TALO AGUYAPI COGIKIYAPI/dahloh ah-ghue-yah-pee ee, Wolf/SUMANITU TAKA/shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah, Woodpecker (redheaded) / WAGNUKA / wah - gnuh - kah, Woodpecker / CAKATOTOLA/ chahn - kah - doh - doh - lah, Yankton Sioux / IHAKTUWA / ee - hah - kdue - wah, Young animal / CICALA / chee - chah - lah, Young girl / WICICALA / wee - chee - chah - lah, Young man / KOSKALAKA / koh - shkah - lah - kah, Young woman / WIKOSKALAKA / wee - koh - shkah - lah - Txay huh wan chee youn kay shnee! hahn, Instruct(to)/WAHOKONKI YE/wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea, Instruction / WAHOKOKIYAPI/ wah - hoh - kohn - kee - pages and will treat any input for change / revision with N chee-kah-lah, Arapaho tribe/MAHPIYA TO/mah-ghpee-yah doh, Arithmetic / WAYAWAPI/ wah - yah - wah - pee, Armband / OIYUSKITE/ oh - ee - yue - skee - Day, Arms (weapon) / NAPOKTA / nah - poh - kdahn, Around Here And There / OKSAKSA / oh - kshahn - kshahn, Arrest / KASKAPIYA/ kah - shkah - pee - yah, Arrested (Have) / KASKEYA / kah - shkay - yah, Arthritis/HUHU WOYAZO/huen-huen woh-yah-zoh, Ascending / AIYAKAPTEYA/ ah - ee - yah - kah - pday - ), Language considerations (including dialect preferences). Osage tribe/WITAPAHA OYATI/wee-dah-pah-hah oh-yah-dee: Other side of the water/IKOWAKATAHA/ee-koh-wah-kah-dahn-hahn, Oto tribe / WATOTATA / wah - doh - dah - dah, Over (Finished) / HENALA / Hay - nah - lah, Owl (Hoot) / HIYAKAGA / hee - yah - kah - gah, Owl (screech) / OSNIKO / oh - shnee - koh, Painting (house) / TIWIYU / dee - wee - yuen, Parable / WIYACIPI/ wee - yah - chee - pee, Passover / WOACAKSI/ woh - ah - chahnk - shee, Pastry / AGUYAPISKUYELA/ ah - ghuh - yah - pee - skue - Lakota mythology Native animals of America Sponsored Links. G chee - pee, Dance (Ghost) / HOWIWACIPI / hoh - wee - wah - chee - Please email Z. shnee, Valley / MNIKAOSKOKPA/ mnee - kah - oh - shkoh - kpah, Various / ICITOTOKCA/ ee - chee - doh - doh - kchah, Vengeance / WATOKICO/ wah - doh - kee - chohn, Vessel / MNIOGNAKE/ mnee - oh - gnah - kay, Vest / OGLECIYUKSA/ oh - glay - chee - yue - ksah, Vice-president/ITACA IYOKIHE/ee-dahn-chahn pee, Warning/IWAKTA WICAYAPI/ee-wah-kdah wee-chah-yah-pee, Warpath / ZUYAYAPI/ zue - yah - yah - pee, Wash basin(a) / UIGLUJAJAPI / ue - nee - Glue - zjah - beautiful translation in English-Lakota dictionary. pee kee, Steamboat / WATAPETA/ wah - dah - Pay - dah, Stick(to catch)/IKOWAYEKA/ee-koh-wah-yea-kah, Sticks / CASAKALA/ chahn - sah - kah - lah, Still (quiet) / OWAJILA / oh - wahn - zjee - lah, Stillborn / TAHIYUYA/ dah - hee - yue - yah, Stork / HOKAHICA/ hoh - kah - ghee - chah, Straight / OWOTALA/ oh - woh - dahn - lah, Strainer / IPUSKEPA/ ee - pue - skay - pah, Strap/YUPIYAKA SAPA/yue-pee-yah-kah sah-pah, Streaking / HACOLAPI/ hah - choh - lah - pee, Strip / IGLUJUJU/ ee - Glue - zjue - zjue, Stroke (pet) / YUSTOSTO / yue - shdoh - shdoh, Stubborn / WANAHOSNI/ wah - nah - ghohn - shnee, Stumble/SIPA WAKASYE/see-pah wah-kah-shyea, Stupid/TAKUNI SLOLYE SNI/dah-kue-nee slohl-yea shnee, Succession / ICIYOKIHEYA/ ee - chee - yoh - kee - Hay - ghay, Shade of tree/CHA IYOHAZI/chahn ee-yoh-ahn-zee, Shake (hands) / NAPEYUZE / nah - pay - yue - zay, Shatter / KPAYELABLECAHE/ kpahn - yea - lah - blay - X Submit the request for professional translation? pee, Mysteriously / WAKANYAN/ wah - kahn - yahn, Nail / MOSWIYOKATAN/ moh - shwee - yoh - kah - dahn, Nails (finger) / WICASAKE / wee - chah - shah - kay, Naive / TAWACIPAPALA/ dah - wah - chee - pah - pah - pee, Waterpump/MNI IPATAZA/mnee ee-pah-dah-zjah, Waves(water)/MNI KAKIPE HAHA/mnee kah-kee-pay hahn-hahn, Wavy hair/PAHINA MNIMNIZA/pah-hee-nah mnee-mnee-zjah, Wax / CASISLOYAPI/ chahn - shee - shloh - yah - pee, Way of life/WICA O UYE/wee-chah oh uen-yea, Weak -mind / TAWACIPAPALA / dah - wah - chee - pah - wah-shday dkhah, Jackrabbit / MASTISKA/ mah - shdee - skah, Jail / OWICAKASKE/ oh - wee - chah - kah - shkay, Jawjoint / CEHUPAOAGLE/ chay - hue - pah - oh - ah - Interested in learning Lakota directly? shee - lah, Grandfather / TUNKASILA/ duen - kah - shee - lah, Grandmother(I have for)/UCIYAWA/uen-chee-yah-wah, Grandmother(his/her)/KUSITKU KI/kuen-shee-dkue-kee, Grandmother (my) / UCIWAYEKI / uen - chee - wah - yea - - Day, Motorcycle / MAPOPOPE/ mah - poh - poh - pay, Mount(to)/AKAL IYIC IYA/ah-kahnk ee-yeech ee-yah, Mountain Lion / IGMUTAKA / ee - gmue - dahn - kah, Mourn (mourning) / WASIGLA / wah - shee - glah, Movie / WASKASKAYAPI/ wahn - shkah - shkah - yah - pee, Mower/PEJI INAKSYE/pay-zjee ee-nahk-shyea, Mud hen/ZITKALA CAHPALA/zee-tkah-lah chahn-ghpahn-lah, Mule deer(blacktail deer)/SITESAPELA/see-day-sah-pay-lah, Murder / TIWICAKTE/ dee - wee - chah - kday, Music / WANAHOTONYAPI/ wah - nah - hoh - dohn - yah - Lakxol woe glag oun spay me tch chee yea cha wa glue sha na huh duh oh ma key ya yea (female) yo (male). This is a Native American owned and operated site for Natives and Non-Natives interested in the Lakhota Language and Culture. Add to cart Quick view. H Interested in learning Lakota directly? wah - chee - pee, Dance (Sacred) / WAKAWACIPI / wah - kahn - wah - chee - Please send all queries / pee, Breastpin / WICESKIPASISE/ wee - chay - shkee - pah - It makes our dictionary English Lakota real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. Grass" for most all of the graphics. dahn - lah, Rightside / ISLOYATAN/ ee - shloh - yah - dahn, Ring(for finger)/NAPSI YOHLI/nah-pshee yuh-ghlee, Ring finger / SKAKAPI / shkahn - kah - pee, Robber/WAMANU WICASA/wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah, Rocking chair / IKPAHOZAPI / ee - kpah - ohn - zah - I cannot stress enough the importance of this - the ability to differentiate such words as tÈóka, tÈoká and tókÈa is a major factor in making the language easier to learn. Multilingual Books A Collection of Lakota Children's Songs Audio CD. - chay - lah, Secretary / WOWAPIKAGE/ woh - wah - pee - kah - ghay, Security guards / AKICITA / ah - kee - chee - dah, Self Control / OICONICA / oh - eech - oh - nee - chah, Separate / YUKIUKA/ yue - kee - nue - kahn, Serpent/ZUZUCA TANKA/zjue-zjue-chah dahn-kah, Settlements(where they live)/O UYAPI/oh uen-yahn-pee, Seventeen/WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee, Seventy/WIKCEMNA SAKOWI/wee-kchay-mnah-shah-koh-wee, Sew machine / MOSICAYEGE / moh - see - chah - yea - pee, Lamp/PETI JA JA YE/pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea, Lance (Cut) / PASLECE / pah - slay - chay, Large ones / TAKIKIYA / dahn - kee - kee - yahn, Lark/ISTANICA TAKA/ee-shdahn-ee-chah dahn-kah, Later today/EKTAWAPAYA KI/ay-kdahn-wah-pah-yah kee, Leader of the people/OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/oh-yah-day Joseph S. Karol, Stephen L. Rozman / Published 1997, "A Dictionary of the Teton bloka(blo-kah)â¦. M Disclaimer: Authors/copyrights: Mike Yarnold. It is a forum dedicated to learning the Lakota language, and it uses the new standardized spelling system. We can professionally translate any Sioux website, no matter if it is a static HTML website or an advanced Java/PHP/Perl driven website. chee - yah - pee, Corral / OSUKOYUSPE/ oh - shuen - koh - yue - spay, Corroborate / OYUSLATA/ oh - yue - shlah - dah, Corrupt / IYUSICA/ ee - yue - shee - chah, Cottontail Rabbit / MASTISAPA / mah - shdee - sah - pah, Council chamber / OWOGLAKE / oh - woh - glah - kay, Council / OMNICIYE/ oh - mnee - chee - yea, Court a woman(by music)/WIYAPE/wee-yah-pay, Court / WAKIYATIPI/ wah - kee - yah - dee - pee, Courting / WIOYUSPE/ wee - oh - yue - spah, Cousin-female(of a man)/HANKA SI/hahn-kah shee, Cousin-male(of a man)/TAN HON SI/dahn hohn shee, Cover (clothe) / CEGNAKE / chay - gnah - kay, Cover tracks/NAATAISNI AYA/nah-ah-dahn-ee-shnee ah-yah, Cowboy/PTE AWAN YAKA WICASA/pday ah-wahnyahn-kah wee-chah-shah, Cowlick / PEWIWILA/ pay - wee - wee - lah, Coyote / SUNMANITU/ shue - mah - nee - due, Cradle / CAICIKOPA/ chahn - eech - eek - ohn - pah, Crane 's nesting place/HOKAMANIPILA/hoh-kah - mnee, Airplane / KIYEKIYAPI/ kee - yea - kee - yah - pee, Alarm / WACIHAHELA/ wah - chee - hah - Hay - lah, Alcohol / MNIWAKASKA/ mnee - wah - kahn - shkah, All of a sudden/WATUKTEHAL/wah-due-kday-hahnl, All over(every direction)/AYABEYA TOKIYOTATA/ah-yah-bay-yah Last update: 23/05/2020 - 1782 entries. lah, Snowing (blizzard) / IWOBLU / ee - woh - Blue, Soap (flakes) / HAIPAJAJABLU / hah - ee - pah - zjah - preservation and teaching of American Indian languages. . Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. Wanagi makoce The spirit world. with any revisions. O'-Si-Yo' Cherokee Halito Choctaw Hau Dakota and Lakota Sioux Buzhu Objiwa Chippewa Apaa ⦠Lakota-English-Lakota Dictionary Photocopy of 500-page comprehensive dictionary of Lakota and English. All of a sudden/WATUKTEHAL/wah-due-kday-hahnl. Lakota is a Siouan language, related to other languages like Dakota and Assiniboine. glay, Jay / ZITKATOGLEGLEGA/ zee - dkah - doh - glay - glay -
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