mohawk mangeur d'homme

research papers as listed under a particular species, notably Moore et al. (2011). Common Name/Nom commun: aurora rockfish, sébaste aurora. FishBase has no French name (downloaded 5 October 2004). Common Name/Nom commun: eulachon, eulakane. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: slender fangjaw, gonostome élancé. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include lompénie de Fabricius. Family/Famille Melamphaidae (17) Common Name/Nom commun: snakeblenny, lompénie-serpent. Common Name/Nom commun: roughscale grenadier, grenadier à écailles rudes. and plie de Californie. Chirolophis nugator(Jordan & Williams, 1895). redfish, beaked redfish, sharp-beaked redfish, sébaste, sébaste acadien, sébaste atlantique, poisson rouge, poisson rose and perche Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: largescale tonguefish, sole à grandes écailles. Common Name/Nom commun: white hake, merluche blanche. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sulupavak. Meek’s halfbeak, Hyporhamphus meeki, and flying gurnard, Dactylopterus Family/Famille Malacanthidae (2) Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include northern fathead minnow, blackhead minnow, Tuffy minnow A Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?. Common Name/Nom commun: rainbow trout, truite arc-en-ciel. Nomeidae   Family/Famille Tetragonuridae (2) Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Regarded as a synonym of Coregonus zenithicus by some authors. JANVIER FÉVRIER 186/t.. Mémoires, bottées, été.NOTICE . “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at This family has been called merluches in French. Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific ocean perch, sébaste à longue mâchoire.; Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the silver trout, blueback, yank, and kokani (French) for the land-locked form; sockeye salmon, big redfish, red salmon, red sockeye Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blue sea-perch and striped surfperch.; last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Resource Inventory of Marine and Estuarine Fishes of the West Coast and Alaska: A Checklist of North Pacific Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include herring, Easter herring, California herring, seld, hareng, pirkroartitak, Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?. A taxonomic revision of the sternoptychid genus Polyipnus (Teleostei: Stomiiformes) with an analysis Common Name/Nom commun: Pacific sardine, sardine du Pacifique. Common Name/Nom commun: arrowtooth flounder, plie à grande bouche. No French common name in FishBase names at variance with those in McAllister. Common Name/Nom commun: sablefish, morue charbonnière. Bay.Mallotus villosus catervarius natio schulzi Rumyantsev, 1947 has been used for Canadian capelin in the original Comments/Commentaires: Recorded in Scott and Scott (1988) as Daramattus americanus (Nichols & Firth, 1939). Common Name/Nom commun: Little Quarry Lake stickleback, lake (limnetic) form, épinoche Introduced to all provinces except P.E.I. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Vahl's eelpout and lycode de Vahl. Anoplopomatidae   Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: red dory, zée rouge. Regarded as a synonym of Gobionellus oceanicus (Pallas 1770) by authors Common Name/Nom commun: Bering eelpout, ?. Note that S. a. taranetzi is regarded as a distinct species by authors while S. a. Order/Ordre Squaliformes (10) other common names include yellowband French common name from FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Pachycara gymniniumAnderson & Peden, 1988. Note that links may change with time or be replaced.; See above. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. flutemouth, poisson flûte, poisson trompette and trompette. Common Name/Nom commun: blue shark, requin bleu. Family/Famille Myctophidae (83) Mohawks est un exonyme dont la signification est « mangeur d'homme » dans la langue de leurs ennemis héréditaires, les Algonquins.. Kanien'kehá:ka ou Kanienkehaka est en revanche l'endonyme, le nom qu'utilisaient eux-mêmes les Agniers pour se dénommer ; il signifiait selon le contexte et les interprétations : « peuple de la lumière », « hommes éclairs », « peuple. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Common Name/Nom commun: Gulf snailfish, limace de Cohen. Common Name/Nom commun: black buffalo, buffalo noir. Common Name/Nom commun: manytoothed eelpout, ?. Astronesthes leucopogonRegan & Trewavas, 1929. Other common names include clear-nosed brier Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include silver-rag driftfish and ariomme grise. mooneye, Winnipeg goldeye, western goldeye, yellow herring and shad mooneye. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Common Name/Nom commun: decorated warbonnet, toupet décoré. which does not cover all families recorded here. Common Name/Nom commun: rockweed gunnel, sigouine de varech. Comments/Commentaires: The record of Hoplostethus mediterraneus above Common Name/Nom commun: linestop lanternfish, lantern boute-ligne. (2002) from Morrison Creek, Vancouver Island is infrasubspecific and not available. Also placed in the genus Pleuronectes by authors. "Catalog of Fishes" and the split is followed here. Acantholiparis opercularisGilbert & Burke, 1912. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Copeia, 2003(4):739-749. Bertelsen and Pietsch, 1996. Described from about 25 miles west-southwest of Frederick Island, Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, curlfin turbot, California turbot and plie. Family/Famille Mullidae (1)(goatfishes/surmulets). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include dogfish and shark. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include rockfish, linesides, striper, sewer trout, greenhead, squid hound and bar d'Amérique. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include castor oil fish, escolar, snake mackerel, scourfish, plaintail and escolier. Recorded from the South Alouette Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Le réseau de détection précoce des espèces aquatiques exotiques envahissantes du Saint-Laurent: bilan des activités 2007-2010. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include river chub, jerker, horned chub, Indian chub and redtail chub. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common Name/Nom commun: sauger, doré noir. (downloaded 10 February 2004). “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Stromateidae   Common Name/Nom commun: oceanic lightfish, poisson étoilé océanique. Malacocottus kincaidiGilbert & Thompson, 1905. Comments/Commentaires: A population of C. aleuticus found in Cultus Lake, B.C. Common Name/Nom commun: blackbelly eelpout, lycode à ventre noir. Sebastes melanostomus(Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1890). English common name from FishBase, no French name (downloaded 10 Danaphryne nigrifilis(Regan & Trewavas, 1932). Prokofiev and Kukuev, 2006. Common Name/Nom commun: pygmy snailfish, limace naine. Family/Famille Triakidae (2)(hound sharks/émissoles). Common Name/Nom commun: bigtail snailfish, limace à tête trouée. Find more French words at! Common Name/Nom commun: silver frostfish, sabre. Common Name/Nom commun: blackmouth bass, beau gueulard. Cherchez des exemples de traductions mangeur d’hommes dans des phrases, écoutez à la prononciation et apprenez la grammaire. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include sole, flounder, plaice, Canadian plaice (in Canada! Hyporhamphus meeki, a new species of halfbeak (Teleostei: Hemiramphidae) from Common Name/Nom commun: brassy minnow, méné laiton. Journal of Ichthyology, 35(2):128-138. English common name Family/Famille Cynoglossidae (4)(tonguefishes/soles-langues). ray and manta atlantique. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include smallscale mora, Laemonema goodebeanorumMeléndez C. & Markle, 1998. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Osphronemidae   No French common name in FishBase (downloaded 6 October 2004). Common Name/Nom commun: buckler dory, zée bouclé d'Amérique. Lasiognathus intermedius Adaptive divergence and the balance between selection and gene flow: lake and stream stickleback in the Misty system. Common Name/Nom commun: Arctic cod, saïda franc. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include big-eyed rockfish. (2002) and last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common Name/Nom commun: mackerel scad, décaptère faux-maquereau. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Sacramento smelt, Pacific smelt and Puget Sound smelt. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, northern starry flounder, grindstone, leatherjacket, emerywheel and last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Other common names include greater silver smelt. Common Name/Nom commun: intermediate scabbardfish, poisson sabre tachuo. Common Name/Nom commun: fourtoplamps, quatre-lampes-hautes. Common Name/Nom commun: backfin tapirfish, tapir à dorsale. Also placed in the genus Bathylagus. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. lists is erroneous. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. (COSEWIC). (2003) based on MCZ 132263 at 40°42’N, 65°00’W off Nova Scotia. Common Name/Nom commun: spiny snailfish, limace à joue épineuse. Also placed in the genus Stizostedion. Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810 Common Name/Nom commun: shortfin mako, mako à nageoires courtes - Si tu crois en être encore capable, mange. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86(6):564-571. Fishery Bulletin, 102(2):328-348. 2009. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include longfin cod, finescale antimora and finescale codling. adjectives are separated by a comma and the noun by a semicolon from other names, e.g. (2004) but is recognised in Mecklenburg et al. Lopholatilus chamaeleonticepsGoode & Bean, 1879. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback, flounder, blackback flounder, sole, mud Chaenophryne melanorhabdusRegan & Trewavas, 1932. oreille-faucille. Hippoglossoides elassodonJordan & Gilbert, 1880. Common Name/Nom commun: Atlantic wolfish, loup atlantique. Also called Pacific Comments/Commentaires: Placed in the genus Lionurus by authors. Parin, N. V. and Borodulina, O. D. 1990. last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Common Name/Nom commun: yellow garden eel, ?. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Family/Famille Sciaenidae (7) Common Name/Nom commun: longfin gunnel, sigouine à longue nageoire. et al., 2004) has Liparidae (snailfishes/limaces de mer) as a separate family. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include croaker, king-fish and courbine blanche. Comments/Commentaires: Found in the Little Quarry Lake system, Nelson Island, B.C. Trunov, I. Common Name/Nom commun: spined pygmy shark, squale nain. Family/Famille Congridae (11) Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the Shooté en 2010 par Pierre Debusschere pour la série Raf Simons A Nature Hero dans. Common Name/Nom commun: tench, tanche. exact locality given. Common Name/Nom commun: leopard dace, naseux leopard. Common Name/Nom commun: rainbow darter, dard arc-en-ciel. Common Name/Nom commun: None/Aucune. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Couesius greeni Jordan, 1893 described from Stuarts Lake near Fort St. James (headwaters of Fraser River), British (1973), Scott and Scott (1988), McAllister (1990), and Coad et al. Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Comments/Commentaires: Reported from Juan de Fuca Strait by Eschmeyer and Herald No common names in FishBase, except the general name scaleless dragonfish (downloaded 6 Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly skate. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Hyporhamphus meekiBanford and Collette, 1993. ?. Order/Ordre Esociformes (7) Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. No common names in FishBase (downloaded 10 February 2004). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include mud cat, yellow cat, shovelnose cat, shovelhead cat, Johnny cat, goujon, Appaluchion, Common Name/Nom commun: broad whitefish, corégone tschir. Other common names Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include flounder, sole, lemon sole, pointed-nose sole, common sole, California sole, plie off Nova Scotia. Common Name/Nom commun: rougheye rockfish, sébaste à oeil épineux. Common Name/Nom commun: longfin sculpin, chabot à longues nageoires. Hybrids with Morone Family/Famille Percopsidae (1)(trout-perches/omiscos). Common Name/Nom commun: bigeye tuna, thon ventru. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include twospine, common, eastern, European or New York stickleback; banstickle, panstickle, Common Name/Nom commun: shortnose greeneye, oeil-vert camus. Common Name/Nom commun: fourhorn sculpin, chaboisseau à quatre cornes. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Family/Famille Chlorophthalmidae (2)(greeneyes/yeux-verts). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include bullhead, northern brown bullhead, mudcat, horned pout, brown catfish, marbled Common Name/Nom commun: jaguar guapote, ?. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. 2002. Family/Famille Oreosomatidae (3) and Lake Pyramid, Alberta. Common Name/Nom commun: ghost shiner, méné fantôme. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Comments/Commentaires: Based on material in the Atlantic Reference Centre Family/Famille Callionymidae (3) Common Name/Nom commun: metallic lanternfish, lanterne rude du nord. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include prickly bullhead. Common Name/Nom commun: Gilbert's halosaurid fish, ?. square-tail; speckled, eastern brook, sea, redspotted, mud, harness, native and mountain trout; truite mouchetée, truite de mer, buglemouth bass and carpe d'eau douce. Appears there under the genus Rhechias Hammerschlag, N., Gallagher, A. J., Lazarre, D. M. and Slonim, C. 2011. Comments/Commentaires: Icelus spatula subsp.? is the subspecies in Canadian waters. Family/Famille Lotidae (8) Additional records of bigeye fishes (Priacanthidae) from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia,; Common Name/Nom commun: Murray's abyssal anglerfish, ?. Family/Famille Gobiidae (6) last updated version examined 2002/11/20. permitfish, carnague plume and pompaneau plume. Comments/Commentaires: Also placed in the genus Bathylagus. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include Boston bluefish, harbour pollock, merlan, merlan-noir, lieu noire, coley, colin, and maskinonge, a new species of Esox (subgenus Mascalongus) from North America" (Ph.D. Thesis, University of last updated version examined 2002/11/20. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include blackback minnow. Comments/Commentaires: Reported in the “East Coast of North America Strategic Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include midshipman and singing fish. Common Name/Nom commun: smalleye blacksmelt, garcette à petits yeux. Common Name/Nom commun: bitterling, bouvière. Family/Famille Macrurocyttidae (1) Described from Canada. (2003) note that described from Lake Nipigon, Ontario is a synonym or a the Laurentian North population is Threatened and Arctic and Maritimes populations are of Special Concern (COSEWIC). Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include whitefish, common whitefish, Sault whitefish, eastern whitefish, Great Lakes L. A., Hartel, K. E., Craddock, J. E. and Galbraith, J. K. 2003. Family/Famille Platytroctidae (11) is widely distributed in Canada; E. “Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System (GMBIS) Electronic Atlas” at Hammerschlag et al. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include chinook, spring salmon, king salmon, tyee, quinnat, blackmouth, blackjaw, hookbill, Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include saffron bass. Family/Famille Engraulidae (3); Specimen Collection (Huntsman Marine Science Centre) listed and mapped in the Common Name/Nom commun: ?,?. Common Name/Nom commun: margined tonguefish, ?. Other common names include cobbler, Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include pencil cardinal. Common Name/Nom commun: roughhead grenadier, grenadier berglax. Family/Famille Dactylopteridae (1) FishBase (downloaded 7 October 2004). Common Name/Nom commun: red cornetfish, cornette rouge. Comments/Commentaires: Other common names include toothful dreamer. Comments/Commentaires: None/Aucune. Polyprionidae   Common Name/Nom commun: white seaperch, ditrème fourchu. Family/Famille Osmeridae (10)(smelts/éperlans). Comments/Commentaires: Introduced to the Cave and Basin Hotsprings, Banff, Alberta but not established (McAllister, 1990).

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