fac sciences po lyon

Damien Lefebvre. Since 2014, French students abroad have been able to take the Heptacononcours in four examination centres established abroad: Bangkok, Thailand; Bogota, Colombia; Casablanca, Morocco; Dubai, UAE. Exposition photo d'Oliver Gottwald organisée par la Bibliothèque de Sciences Po Lyon. Les trois premiers semestres sont généralistes et pluridisciplinaires. This has provided the exchange of professors and lecturers from top-ranked US universities, such as Andrew C. Rudalevige,[75] PhD from Harvard University and Toppan Prize of the best dissertation in political science. The university has sport clubs, such as its Soccer, Basketball, Handball, or the Rugby Team (the GPRC). In its report [8] in December 2010, AERES, the French Evaluation Agency on Research and Higher Education, praised the excellency of the academic training offered by Sciences Po Lyon. The Information and Communication Research Team of Lyon (ELICO)[83] brings together thirty teacher-researchers and around forty PhD students in information and communication sciences from Sciences Po Lyon, Lyon-1, Lyon-2 and Lyon-3 universities as well as from the National School of Information Sciences and Libraries (ENSSIB). CEO Sandvik Hard Materials France. IAO members also sit on dissertation committees at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Sciences Po et l'ÉNA". Political journalist and TV presenter at. [28][29] This percentage is higher than in Bordeaux and Grenoble Institutes of Political Studies. Il est situé à Lyon, administrativement rattaché à l'université Lumière Lyon 2 et associé à l'université de Lyon. Gerard Lindeperg. Former ambassador to Chili. It has had a low number of alumni (8,500[28] since its establishment). [11] The ELSP, known then as Sciences Po, was indeed considered as an institution providing the sole Parisian bourgeoisie with a quasi-monopoly over access to the most prestigious positions in the French civil service (the Grands corps de l'Etat or high administrative bodies). [20], Sciences Po occupies an area of 9,500 square meters, contiguous to the premises of the Center for the History of the Resistance and Deportation ("Centre d'histoire de la résistance et de la déportation"). As such, ESoPA has partnered with Paris Dauphine University[69][70][71][72]. Il est proposé pour les étudiant.es ressentant des difficultés dans le travail universitaire au … Sciences Po Lyon was established following an executive decree by General de Gaulle in 1948. Journalist. The Bureau des Etudiants (BDE or Student Council), aims to integrate students into school life through cultural events, conferences with political leaders, diplomats and opinion leaders. Established in 1987, the Institute of Human Sciences (ISH)[84] brings together 23 research laboratories located in Lyon and Saint-Étienne. Thank you for visiting Sciences Po Lyon on Facebook. CEO of PEEK-A-BOO group. It is one of ten Institutes of Political Studies in France, and was established in 1948 by Charles de Gaulle's provisional government following the model of the École Libre des Sciences Politiques. EN PARTENARIAT AVEC SCIENCE PO LYON. Des années d'expérience. Leclair Lecture Hall - A former coat of arms room. Logement étudiant proche Sciences Po Lyon. Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem. [82] Cultural groups such as "Arriba Do Sul" organize events that highlight foreign cultures or cuisine. Former French ambassador to Haiti. Préparation aux Masters Constitution du dossier : suivi administratif et pédagogique par l'Institution des Chartreux Masters Sciences Po Paris Lecturer in International Relations at Sciences Po Lyon. Contrary to a general belief, there is no official ranking amongst the various IEPs in France. Un partenariat qui ouvre des perspectives de doubles diplomes, comme il en existe déjà avec l'EM Lyon. Mass Market Paperback: 238 pages; Publisher: Editions Complexe (1995); P. Nord, "Reform, Conservation and Adaptation: Sciences Po, from the Popular Front to the Liberation", in S. Hazareesingh (dir. [35] That makes the selection process for these six IEPs more competitive than for Paris. Photographer. Along with the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, the institute has established a research center on Middle Eastern Affairs, called "GREMMO" (Groupe de recherche et d’études sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient). Former assistant secretary for the Americas and the Caribbean at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [62], The institute is also working on the establishment of a dual master's degree with the University of Virginia. The University of Vienna in Austria; the Université Catholique de Louvain and the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium; Charles University in Prague in the Czech Republic; Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark; the Free University of Berlin, Goethe University Frankfurt, the University of Konstanz, the University of Leipzig, the University of Münster and the University of Mannheim in Germany; the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece; the University of Bologna, the University of Florence and La Sapienza University in Italy; the University of Latvia in Latvia; the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands; the University of Oslo in Norway; Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University in Russia; the University of Barcelona, the University of Salamanca and Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain; Goteborg University in Sweden; the University of Bern and the University of Zurich in Switzerland; King's College London,[48] the Imperial College London, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London,[49] the University of Aberdeen, the University of Birmingham, the University of Bristol, the University of Edinburgh[50] and the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom; In the Middle-East region: Institut français du Proche-Orient in Jordan; Université Saint-Joseph in Lebanon; Galatasaray University in Turkey; Bowdoin College,[51] Brown University,[52] the University of California (including the University of California, Berkeley,[53][54] the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of California, San Diego),[55] Georgetown University,[56] the University of Pennsylvania (including the Wharton School),[57] and the University of Virginia in the United States; The École nationale d'administration publique, the University of British Columbia,[58] McGill University,[45] the Université de Montréal (including HEC Montreal), the University of Ottawa[59] and the University of Toronto[45] in Canada; In Oceania: Current president of the Rhone-Alpes region. [39], Sciences Po Lyon's dynamism and international reputation was underscored by the French newspaper, Challenges, in its ranking of French Business Schools.[40][41]. Thierry Braillard, Junior Minister (Youth and Sports), Mathieu Darnaud, senator The Republicans (France), Bernadette Groison, Secretary General of the French FSU Fédération syndicale unitaire, Michel Mercier, former Minister (Justice, Territorial Administration). Sciences Po Lyon Fondé en 1948, Sciences Po Lyon est un établissement public d’enseignement supérieur ayant pour vocation de former des cadres des secteurs public et privé. French diplomat. Along with Université Lumière-Lyon 2, the institute hosts the "Centre de Politologie de Lyon ("CERIEP"),[85] a CNRS research department on politology. Secretary General of the French FSU. This past evaluation was subsequently confirmed in 2015 by HCERES, the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education. Pierre-Henri Tavoillot. Along with the ENS in Lyon and the Université Lumière-Lyon 2, Sciences Po is running the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies ("Institut d'Asie Orientale"/ IAO),[87] which has been graded A+ by AERES [88] and has been considered as such as the best French research institute in this field. [21][22], Sciences Po Lyon has established a satellite campus for a curriculum specialized in Russian affairs in Saint-Etienne at Jean Monnet University, .[23][24]. Other centres have also been open in the French overseas territories: Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe; Cayenne, Guyane : Tahiti, French Polynesia; Fort-de-France, Martinique; Saint-Denis, La Réunion. Ezra N Suleiman (Author), "Les Élites en France : Grands corps et grandes écoles" Publisher : Seuil 1st Feb. 1979 Series: Sociologie, Ezra N Suleiman (Author), Henri Mendras (Author) "Le Recrutement des élites en Europe" Publisher : La Découverte (December 12, 1997) Series : Recherches, This page was last edited on 22 October 2020, at 21:05. Les enseignements qui le composent sont dispensés dans le cadre du 1er cycle de Science Po Lyon-Campus Saint-Etienne. Suivez une préparation à l’oral individuel au concours d'entrée en 1ère année des IEP / Sciences Po de Paris et Bordeaux sur Toulouse, Lyon, Bordeaux, Paris. Mise à jour le 20 nov. 2020 Partager cette page. Vincent Michelot. [30] Such a percentage is also higher than in most of the best French Grandes Ecoles. Nous avons découvert hier avec stupeur l’affiche de l’événement, affiche placardée sur les murs de l’ IEP. Writer. The institutions available each year will be posted in the preceding Autumn Term. The Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon (or Lyon Institute of Political Studies) also known as Sciences Po Lyon, is a grande école located in Lyon, France.It is one of ten Institutes of Political Studies in France, and was established in 1948 by Charles de Gaulle's provisional government following the model of the École Libre des Sciences Politiques. Former. "Très dynamique, l'IEP lyonnais a créé en janvier 2013 un Collège des Hautes Etudes-Lyon Sciences avec l’École Normale Supérieure, Centrale Lyon et VetAgro Sup. Franck Pupunat. Cafétéria Sciences 23 rue Paul Michelon 42023 St-Etienne Cedex 02 Téléphone : 04 77 30 33 00 E-mail : restaurant.saint-etienne@crous-lyon.fr Menu du lundi 30 novembre 2020 The University of the Witwatersrand[43] in South Africa; In Asia: L’annuaire de toutes les formations de type Licence Pro à Lyon (Rhône ). [26][27] Accordingly, approximately 55% of the students at Sciences Po hold a French Baccalaureate (equivalent to an A level), predominantly scientific or economic, with a Summa Cum Laude distinction. Consultez notre liste des 41 formations de type Licence Pro référencées à Lyon. Sciences Po Lyon - Vie étudiante, Lyon. 1. Accédez à l'ensemble de nos ressources documentaires sur le site de la bibliothèque de Sciences Po Lyon. Master thesis directed by Jacques Portes. The "Bureau des sports" (BDE) manages the school's athletic life and organizes the "Crit", in cooperation with the BDEs of the other IEPs. Claude Mollard. Sciences Po Lyon currently offers a 5-year-long programme, with a three-year-long undergraduate programme and a two-year graduate programme in line with the Bologna Process and delivers its main diploma equivalent to a master's degree. University of Lyon. [17] Otherwise, this project was not entirely in the spirit of the programme developed by the National Council of the Resistance (Conseil National de la Resistance or CNR) during World War II, which was willing to sanction and nationalize the ELSP. Expert on former Soviet Union and Russia. [3] It is located at the Centre Berthelot within the buildings of a former military health college and operates as an autonomous institution within the University of Lyon. Vous êtes ici : Accueil. Members of this consortium deliver a joint diploma upon completion of the program. Ils doivent, en vue des épreuves d’admission au CFJ (les oraux), remplir le dossier d’admissibilité. Sciences po ou une fac de science politique ? Executive co-chairman of the W.ILLI.AM Agency in Montreal, the most important digital agency in Canada. Taux de réussite aux épreuves important . Vie Étudiante Retrouvez la liste de toutes nos associations étudiantes. [Articles] Menaces sur l'Europe. The IAO is involved in the training of PhD students under an agreement with the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Ulm and the East China Normal University of Shanghai. Professor in international relations, expert on US history and foreign policy. Christophe de Fitte. C'est un dispositif d’accompagnement à la réussite des étudiant.es. [69] The purpose of this alliance is to enhance their international visibility and their current partnerships with other universities. The first two years are aimed at giving students a multidisciplinary background, primarily focusing on social sciences such as economics, public law, contemporary history, philosophy, sociology and public policy. Prominent figure of the European financial establishment and pioneer of the French private equity industry. Les supports mis à disposition sur la plateforme Moodle sont la propriété de leurs auteurs, enseignants-chercheurs et enseignants à Sciences Po Lyon. Founder. Paul Alezraa. Independent Director of Alcatel-Lucent and of Credit Agricole SA, Chairman of the Institut Francais des Administrateurs, Chairman of. [36][37] The acceptance/selection rate for students willing to enter in the second year of the curriculum of the IEP in Lyon is less than 5% (853 candidates for 42 places available for the 2013–14 academic year). L'Institut d’études politiques de Lyon (IEP de Lyon), couramment appelé Sciences Po Lyon, est une grande école française créée en 1948, spécialisée dans l'enseignement des sciences sociales et politiques et des relations internationales. International Relations and Affairs Group. Egalité des chances Découvrez le programme et nos partenaires. Jacques Toubon, former Minister (Culture, Justice). Ouvert sur l'international, il propose des masters "affaires asiatiques" ou "coopération et développement en Amérique Latine...Il est en outre réputé pour ses bons résultats aux concours administratifs, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Centre d'histoire de la résistance et de la déportation, Shanghai International Studies University, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, École nationale d'administration publique, École nationale des travaux publics de l'État, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' Action, "En chiffres - Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon", "Fac-similé JO du 05/05/1948, page 04362 - Legifrance", https://www.digischool.fr/vie-etudiante/enseignement/sciencespo-lyon-premier-iep-integrer-conference-grandes-ecoles-27929.html, https://www.sciencespo-lyon.fr/international/strategie-internationale/universites-partenaires, http://www.hceres.fr/LISTE-ALPHABETIQUE-DES-ETABLISSEMENTS-ET-ORGANISMES-EVALUES/SCIENCES-PO-LYON, http://www.sciencespo.fr/stories/#!/fr/frise/31/l-elsp-vichy-et-l-occupation/, « Il est créé, sous le nom de Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, un établissement doté de la personnalité civile, dont l'objet est de favoriser le progrès et la diffusion en France, dans l'empire et à l'étranger, des sciences politiques, économiques et sociales», http://etudiant.lefigaro.fr/les-news/actu/detail/article/le-dernier-ne-de-la-famille-des-iep-baptise-sciences-po-grand-paris-2846/, "Décret n° 89-901 du 18 décembre 1989 relatif aux instituts d'études politiques - Legifrance", "Mot du Directeur | Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon", "Concours commun dans six Instituts d'Études Politiques | Polit'bistro : des politiques, du café", "Sciences po : le premier banc d'essai des IEP de région", "Ecoles de commerce : oĂš vont les bacheliers "mention très bien"? Sciences Po Lyon's campus at the Maison de l'Université in Saint-Etienne, Sciences Po Lyon's campus in Saint-Etienne - Entrance to main amphitheater. Frederic Ramel. Major events include the "WEST" (a weekend of ski), the "week-end d'intégration" (where new students integrate with collective games and parties), and the "Gala de Sciences Po Lyon" (which gathers students and professors for a night of shows and dance). French ambassador to Bangladesh. Daniel Lebegue. Formation courte "kit du management de projet". The other European members of this consortium are: Université catholique de Louvain, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Vaasa, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Limerick, Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Geneva, University of Liverpool. Architect: Raphaël Pistilli. Fondée sur des valeurs d’ouverture et d’excellence, Sciences Po est une université de recherche sélective de rang international dont le modèle unique associe spécialisation en sciences humaines et sociales, pluridisciplinarité et ancrage professionnel pour former des acteurs qui comprennent et transforment la société. Le portail Sciences sociales propose à ses étudiant.e.s un dispositif d'accompagnement spécifique : Le parcours CLEFS. Political leader in the French New Caledonia. The Great Auditorium - View from the platform. Trouvez votre logement étudiant proche de l'école Sciences Po Lyon.Vous cherchez un appartement ou une colocation dans la ville de Lyon 01 (69001). Under the patronage of Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director and a graduate from Sciences Po Aix, Sciences Po Lyon along with the other IEPs of the Heptaconcours, have now organized a competitive examination for Chinese French-speaking students, who will be then able to attend the last two years of the Sciences Po academic curriculum.[25]. [63][61], Since the 2013–14 academic year, Sciences Po along with Ecole Centrale de Lyon (the Lyon engineering school), VetAgro (the Lyon veterinarian school), ENS Lyon, the Conservatory of Lyon (Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon) has established a Collegium for Advanced Studies, which would result in greater synergies in terms of curriculum, in the delivery of dual degrees and in multualizing their international partnerships.[64][65][66][67]. 3ème année L3 Droit dans une université étrangère partenaire de la Faculté Lyon 3. The last two years provide students with further specialization in a wide range of specialities:[42]. A ce titre, ils sont donc réservés à votre usage strictement personnel dans le cadre des enseignements dispensés au cours de votre cursus. Le Master Enjeux et politiques de santé, centré sur l’analyse des pratiques et des politiques de santé, propose une formation ouverte à l’interdisciplinarité et aux réalités d’un champ professionnel et de recherche en constante mutation. It covers a wide range of expertise in the fields of human and social sciences, including history, economics-management, sociology, linguistics and political science. The same buildings were also used by the Ecole Polytechnique from 1940 to 1943 after the school decided to relocate to Lyon (then in the free zone) from its headquarters in the occupied Paris. Sciences Po Lyon and Sciences Po Paris are both part of the European Master of Public Administration Consortium. Sciences Po Lyon offers dual master's degrees with institutions such as the École nationale des travaux publics de l'État (ENTPE), EMLYON Business School, the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, the CFJ Paris-based Journalism School and Training center, Jean Moulin University Lyon 3.

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